Tattoo Idea with Mandalas : Polynesian Tattoos : The sun

Tattoo Idea with Mandalas : Polynesian Tattoos : The sun

The sun is a universal symbol of eternity and life
In Polynesian cultures it is also regarded as a symbol of health, welfare, success, joy, purity, and fertility. It’s considered a male symbol, associated with fire. The rising sun symbolizes a fresh start, new life, and growth, while the setting sun can be a symbol of rest and peace, with the continuous cycle of day and night symbolizing eternity. The sun in this tattoo is a symbol of protection, like the guardian tiki in the center of the design. The elements surrounding it represent protection from adversities (symbolized by the moray eel), cooperation, strength, and good luck in order to achieve stability, prosperity, and unity.

From the book Polynesian Tattoos: 42 Modern Tribal Designs to Color and Explore by Italian tattoo artist and author, Roberto “Gi. Erre” Gemori.

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Artist : Roberto “Gi. Erre” Gemori

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